Resistant Starch

What is the latest and greatest new weight-loss and health remedy out there? Yup, you guessed right: it's resistant starch. And what, pray tell, is resistant starch? I'm glad you asked!

Resistant starch is a form of starch which passes through your stomach and small intestine undigested. Then, in the colon, resistant starch breaks down to feed the good bacteria in your gut. These starches can be found in green bananas, green plantains, white and red potatoes, other tubers, and rice. The best results are found when the starch is eaten raw. Once the bananas ripen, the resistant starch turns to regular starch and sugar. When potatoes and rice are cooked, the starch is also transformed. Cooked and then COOLED, the resistant starch is then partially restored. (As in potato salad, for example.) The best way to take resistant starch is by adding a spoonful of raw potato starch to a glass of water or a smoothie. A little at a time is highly recommended, as it can cause gas and flatulence in the beginning.

Resistant starch has been touted as the new cure-all. Studies have shown this type of starch to restore healthy flora in the large intestine, to help people maintain weight-loss, to decrease appetite, to create vivid dreams (yes, really!) as well as to increase immunity, and decrease the chances of colon cancer. If you want to read more, see this article:

Sounds too good to be true? Maybe. But what is the down side? As far as I can see, there is none. A package of potato starch is cheap, will last a long time, and has no additives. It is hard to imagine that a tablespoon of the stuff could harm you, barring a potato or nightshade allergy. And the positives look quite enticing!

So I am giving the starch a shot. I have already been using it for a couple of days. I'm starting out with just a teaspoon per day. I have had a bit of gas, but nothing monumental. I'll gradually increase the dosage to a tablespoon per day, and possibly more. If I discover some fantastic benefits, I'll report them to you in an update later this summer. Maybe you'd like to join me in this experiment?
