A More Mindful Morning

Tim Ferris offered his latest suggestions for upgrading your morning ritual on a recent podcast about mindfulness. My hubby sent it to me; here is the link in case you'd like to have a listen: http://fourhourworkweek.com/2015/11/29/magic-of-mindfulness/

Mindfulness, in a nutshell, means being present. Paying attention. Not letting your mind drift off into fantasies about the future or memories from the past. You can practice mindfulness anytime and all the time. You can practice mindful driving. (I wholeheartedly recommend this to all drivers in the state of Maryland. And everywhere.) Mindful eating is a fantastic way to lose weight. Just by being conscious of tasting each bite, your food will automatically become more satisfying and filling. Because the truth about the way we exist is: we miss so many moments. We are constantly forgetting to be present. Or avoiding being present. We are escape artists, choosing to check our texts or emails or Facebook instead of interacting with other human beings. Or just feeling whatever we feel. 

I've already mentioned (in a different blog) my ritual of writing 10 things I'm grateful for each morning. But Tim Ferriss has some ideas about how to make this practice even more meaningful. 

Something I noticed after trying to come up with 10 things each morning for more than three months was that I was petering out after 4 or 5 or 6, depending on the day. Sure, I could always dredge up a few more, but I began feeling like the last few were either always the same or just throwaways. Somehow, ten things to feel grateful for each day had become too many. 

Tim Ferriss has the fix for this problem. He suggests using a product called The Five Minute Journal. Here is the link: http://www.fiveminutejournal.com/

If you don't want to purchase this product already set up for you, you can just use any old notebook and record the following each day: 3 things you're grateful for; (I've found cutting it down to three makes the process much easier. There seems to be so much to choose from now, instead of the opposite) plus 3 things that would make your day amazing; (I have been choosing pretty simple accomplishments, like getting my hair cut or practicing choreography for an hour) and lastly, 3 affirmations. (I have been repeating the same 3 each day. I think this is important as affirmations are overarching statements designed to transform your mind frame. As I mentioned in my last blog post, the things we say to ourselves each day set the tone for how we feel. If you want more energy, stop talking--even to yourself-- about how tired and achy you feel!)

Tim suggests a nightly journal session in addition to the morning one, but I'm not inclined to want to write anything in the evening. You might choose to do both. 

Check out Tim's podcast for loads more suggestions about ways to become more mindful on a daily basis. Maybe you already have your own mindful rituals? Feel free to leave your comments and suggestions below!
