Build Stronger Bones

When you hear about building strong bones, what is the first supplement that comes to mind? Most of us would probably say CALCIUM. Right?

But calcium supplements are no longer recommended. The problem with calcium is that an excess floating around in the bloodstream can cause serious issues. Calcium can deposit on the inside of veins and arteries, building up and causing blockages. Enough calcium might be a great thing, but too much calcium can be a problem.

And our bones need more than just calcium to be strong. They also need Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, and potassium. Plus exercise!

You may already be taking Vitamin D supplements, as doctors are recommending this to many patients these days. Before adding a supplement, a doctor can test for Vitamin D levels to be sure of exactly how much you should be taking. Vitamin D acts more like a hormone in the body than a typical vitamin. It is responsible for regulating many different functions, including building strong bones and teeth. However, Vitamin D does not act alone.

Vitamin K2 is the vitamin no one has ever heard of. (I have written several blogs about K2 in the past. It is now easily available as a supplement.) K2 works hand in hand with Vitamin D to remove excess calcium from areas in the body where it does not belong--like in the arteries--and transfer that calcium to the bones and teeth.

Potassium is a mineral with helps to reduce acidity in the body which is responsible for breaking down bones and reducing bone strength. We need about 4700 mg. per day of potassium, but most of us get less than half that amount.

Don't forget the exercise component. Both aerobic and resistance training can benefit your bones, in addition to your muscles. Weight-bearing exercises with an element of impact--running, walking, dancing, jumping, etc instead of swimming or biking--as well as lifting heavy weights can strengthen bones.

If you prefer to get your vitamins and minerals from food, here are the best sources of these nutrients:

*Vitamin D: The sun is the best source of this vitamin. Food sources include salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines, eggs, beef liver, and cheese.

*Vitamin K2: pastured egg yolks, grassfed organ meats, traditionally cultured cheeses, natto.

*Potassium: seaweed, swiss chard, salmon, avocado, bananas.
