Make a New Mantra

Do you know your current mantra? Because you already have at least one. Mantras are phrases you tell yourself on a daily, or perhaps even hourly, basis. What are you saying to yourself constantly?

Many of us complain nonstop inside our own heads. "I'm so tired!" "Ugh, I can't stand this weather/humidity/heat/cold/rain/snow/tornado/hurricane!" "I need a ton more sleep/money/coffee/jewelry/booze/plastic surgery!" "I'm so hungry!" "My back/neck/feet/knees/hips/shoulders/elbows hurt!" We are so used to hearing these complaints, they have become part of our inner fabric. Part of who we are. And they have an ongoing effect on our moods, our attitudes, our energy levels, everything we do.

These silent mantras can lift us up, if we choose. Or they can bring us down.

Today, try an experiment. Notice every time a negative thought appears in your mind. Pay attention to how you feel as you are thinking the negative thought. Feel the impact on your body, your mood, your energy. Start by just noticing. Then decide if you would like to make a change.

Remember: you are in control of your mind! You can choose to change your thoughts. Although you might be in the habit of complaining or judging or looking at the downside, you can flip your thoughts. This takes both time and effort, but transforming your attitude is well worth the effort. Positive thoughts make people feel better!

Make your new mantra support your goals. If you want to lose weight, constantly telling yourself how fat you are will not help. Neither will complaining about being constantly hungry. Try substituting a positive mantra. Maybe something like "I eat healthy so I feel healthy." Or "I choose to do better." Or "I can do this!" Or whatever words will lift you up, give you energy, and carry you toward your objective.

If you need support in making changes this summer, I am available for holistic personal training, weight loss coaching, and private instruction in yoga, Pilates, bootcamp, and dance fitness. Leave me a message!
