Circadian Clock and Coffee

For decades, I've been drinking my first cup of coffee as soon as my feet hit the floor. I'd stumble down the stairs and start sipping that heavenly beverage before my brain began to function. That is, until this past week. Because I've been trying something new.

I recently learned that eating or drinking anything besides water breaks a fast. I thought that first cup of coffee didn't really count. It couldn't be more than about 50 calories, or so my thinking went. But Dr. Rhonda Patrick set me straight. Absolutely anything--coffee, tea, even herbal tea--except water will break a fast. I thought I was fasting for about 16 hours per day, but it was actually closer to 10 or 11 hours, once I started figuring in the coffee.

So for the past week, I've been waking up with only water! I drink my first cup of coffee between 8-8:30am. This gives me a 12-hour TRUE fast, with nothing but water. A 12-hour fast per day is considered the minimum for health. I still eat my first meal between 11-12noon and finish eating AND drinking by 8pm.

And I have noticed some differences, based on this small change.

At first, I had A LOT of trouble waking up with no coffee! We walk our dogs every morning before 8am, so I was quite a grumpy camper (you can ask my husband!) on those first few mornings. But today, I woke up much more easily without the caffeine. I had no headache and enough energy for a fairly pleasant walk. And when I finally drank my coffee, I got a much greater surge of energy from it. Because my body's own natural hormones are working as they should, to wake up and stimulate my nervous system, I am now getting double the effects. I can actually drink half the amount of coffee and receive plenty of pep.

Since I start the day with only water, I am drinking more water earlier in the day than before and rehydrating my body before I begin caffeinating. We tend to wake up dehydrated and in need of water, so this is another positive effect of waiting until later for my coffee.

Because I am also cutting off all the eating AND drinking--no wine, herbal or decaf tea--at 8pm, I am sleeping better. I no longer have to get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom! This is a major benefit for anyone having disturbed sleep. The fewer nightly interruptions, the better.

If you are looking for simple solutions to solving issues like weight gain, while working with your body's natural rhythms, I am available for coaching. Send me a message! 
