Get More Veggies!

If you are trying to lose weight, the first thing you might attempt to do is cut calories. This could mean eating less at each meal, or eating fewer meals. Fasting is one great way to lose weight. Choosing lower calorie foods will also do the trick. But will the foods you choose also nourish your body?

Because you don't want to deprive your cells of any the vital nutrients they need to function, you must seek out the foods with the highest value. This is always important, but for those on a weight-loss program, it is even more crucial. The less you are eating per day, the more important it is to make sure the foods you choose are serving your body's needs.

This is where the veggies come in.

Vegetables are the superstars of the weight loss program. Most veggies are low calorie, low fat, and high in nutrients. Although we cannot receive ALL the essential vitamins and nutrients from plants alone, I believe the healthiest diet contains mostly veggies. Other plant foods like fruits, nuts, seeds, grains, and legumes are good for us, too, but in smaller amounts. Plus, we need meat, fish, eggs, and animal proteins for a complete nutritional profile.

Variety is key when it comes to diet. When you pick out your veggies, you want to go for the greatest variety possible. Start by looking for all the colors of the rainbow: from the dark greens to the oranges and yellows to the deep reds and purples and blues. Different colors signify different nutrients, so try for the whole spectrum on a daily--or at least weekly--basis.

In addition to different colors, try to get different parts of the plant. Leaves, stems, flowers, roots, fruits, sprouts, and seeds all contain different nutrients. Also it's important to eat your veggies both cooked and raw. Some nutrients are more bioavailable after the plant is cooked, while some are more available in the raw state.

I am not a fan of juicing because this process removes all the fiber from the veggies, but blending whole fruits and veggies into a smoothie--retaining the fiber--is a great way to get more nutrients into your diet. Another easy way is to assemble a large salad. Virtually any veggie or type of fruit can go into a salad! You can add cooked veggies--steamed or roasted--to a salad, as well as raw.

Last night I had a big salad for dinner with mixed greens (kale, spinach, red lettuce, green lettuce), carrots, celery, green onions, apple, red grapes, 3 kinds of seeds, 3 kinds of nuts, avocado, plus a little chicken for protein and a yogurt dressing. This salad was very filling, delicious, and packed with nutrients!

For any weight loss program, veggies are a must! If you need support on your weight loss journey, I am available for coaching. Leave me a message!
