Hot Flashes? Chill out!

If you are a woman in perimenopause, or in menopause, you are probably familiar with hot flashes. Not every woman gets them, but they are a common symptom of fluctuating hormones. Night sweats are basically the same thing, just occurring during sleep.

(Did you know in England they call them "flushes" instead of flashes? )

Hot flashes can occur at any time, during the day or night, but there do seem to be some situations that tend to bring them on. For me, post-exercise seems to be the time I get them--either in the car on the way home after class or later on, in the middle of the night. Anything that warms your body can bring on a hot flash. This includes spicy food, warm rooms, stressful situations, embarrassment, alcohol, anger, and aerobics.

Here are a few steps you can take to chill out. (Literally and figuratively.)

1) Try exercising in climate-controlled rooms. Or switch over to swimming and water aerobics for your exercise. Immersing your body in cool water is a great way to bring down your core temperature. This will also help you burn more calories!

2) Forego the hot tub, sauna, steam room, and hot yoga classes. Forget running outdoors during the summer months, especially at midday. Cool or cold showers and/or baths are the ticket.

3) Cut down or cut out alcohol. I know this might be one of your go-to coping mechanisms, but alcohol raises the body's core temperature and messes with your sleep. If you can't give it up, try drinking less alcohol and more water. Maybe a white wine spritzer?

4) Experiment with black cohosh supplements. Some women have great luck with this. Most pharmacies and large grocery stores carry this.

5) Do whatever you can to calm down. Stressful situations can bring on hot flashes. Try yoga, meditation, qi gong, and deep breathing to relax. Get out in nature, somewhere cool and shady, or somewhere with a nice breeze.

Something to keep in mind: this too shall pass. This stage of life is temporary. Long as all get-out, but still temporary. It will be over soon.
