Confession Time

I know I am supposed to be inspiring you all to greater heights of discipline, fitness, and success, but today I am choosing to admit defeat.  I have succumbed to the lure of sweet sugar once again. I let my guard down and the treats wormed their way into my cabinets and containers, and eventually into my mouth. I thought I could be strong enough to just say no, or perhaps just say "one" or a little bit. Anyway, the outcome is that I am back to my pre-Zone starting weight.  Not that I had lost anything significant. I was down a pound and a half at the most, and I have gained that back.

It all started because my 0% bodyfat daughter was starving from a complete lack of treats in the house.  I should have known better, but I decided to bake her a batch of chocolate chip cookies. I used a new recipe that I found in The Essential Eating Well Cookbook. I like her to have healthy-ish treats rather than total crap, so baking something at home always seems like a better choice. But homemade chocolate chip cookies, full of delicious ingredients like ground roasted almonds, proved to be impossible to resist. Surprising? No, I guess not. But I am disappointed in myself. And I haven't even mentioned the Pumpkin Spice Cheesecake yet. Maybe we don't have to go into that.

This is the constant battle.  You would think that someone exercising as often and as vigorously as I am might be able to relax a little more in the eating department. And as soon as I start thinking along those lines, a pound and then another pound creep up on me. It is frustrating. It is insidious. It is deeply, deeply wrong. But it is true.

I simply cannot consume ANY sugary treats without putting on weight. Maybe it is just water, but whether it is water or fat, it still looks like bloat and feels like crap. Now that all the chocolate chip cookies have been eaten, it is time to take stock, time to refresh my commitment to eating in the Zone. Yes, I screwed up yesterday. Yes, I am back to square one yet again. But the good thing about the Zone is that a mistake only lasts for about 4 hours (or the time until your next meal). As soon as I got up this morning, I made myself a perfect Zone breakfast and drank a full liter of water. I am already back on track.

So today, I am going to take my own advice. I'm not going to beat myself up anymore. Instead, I'm planning to eat only measured Zone meals and snacks so that by tomorrow morning, the scale will be my friend again. Who is with me?
