The Senses

How did it happen that we as a nation have become so fat? Where did this obesity epidemic begin? And where will it end?

Unfortunately, I don't have the answers to any of those questions.

But I do have some observations. For some reason, it seems that many of us get overly focused on food as the one and only source of pleasure in our lives. Perhaps it is because food is a relatively cheap source of pleasure, compared to alcohol, cocaine, deep tissue massage, and prostitutes. Perhaps it is because food is almost always available, and in most cases legal. And, while we don't really NEED that hot stone massage, we do actually need to eat.

However, I think it is a shockingly sad situation to see so many people who have completely forgotten and neglected all their other senses. We have so many more avenues for receiving pleasure beyond just our taste buds. No, this column is not going to be all about sex!

Let's start with the visual: when was the last time you went to an art museum or gallery? Or a wildflower hike? An aquarium? How about treating yourself to a beautiful film?

When was the last time you attended a concert? The symphony? Or sat in your backyard to listen to the birds sing and the spring peepers chirp? Or sat on the beach listening to the waves crash?

Have you ever had an aromatherapy massage? (Now we're hitting two senses with one hot stone!) (Talk about your mixed metaphors!) Strolled through a rose garden and compared the different fragrances? When was the last time you shopped for a new perfume?

Not only does our skin contain nerve endings for receiving pleasure, but our muscles also can bring us kinesthetic pleasure through movement. If you love to dance, or run, or go rock climbing, or practice yoga, you already know that the feeling of moving and stretching and mastering that pose or that step is exhilarating both physically and psychologically. And then a long, hot bath afterwards can reward many of the senses simultaneously. Light a bunch of scented candles, toss a handful of rose petals into the tub, put on your favorite mellow music, and just relax.

Today, see which of your neglected senses you can reawaken! Let me know what you discover.
