Another Rainy Day

Well, one good thing about having two large dogs is that no matter what the weather or the temperature outside, every single morning we have to take a long walk. Today I'm pretty sure we are going to get drenched. I had to cancel my morning bootcamp due to the unending rain and gusting wind out there. This walk over to the park next door is not going to be pretty. But our female Akita is particularly specific about the places in which she will poop. And it does not matter how many times one circles our own property, she absolutely refuses to poop anywhere on our ten acres. Even when she had diarrhea that one time, she held it in until we were through the woods and all the way over at the park. TMI?

And what is my point? Make like a sneaker and just do it! No matter what. There are always plenty of excuses available to each of us. I'm tired. It's too late. I have no energy. I'm too fat. I'll look stupid. I can't keep up. My knees hurt. I'm too old. This is pointless. I'll never lose this weight. If any of these thoughts are running through your head while you contemplate your workout this morning, know that you are not alone. By definition, a workout should make you feel at least slightly uncomfortable. Who wouldn't prefer to stay in their cozy beds or curled up on the couch?

So how do you get your butt up? Well, you can get a dog! Preferably an Akita, so you'll have to walk a great distance. Or a good friend. Or a spouse. Get someone to commit to that early morning walk or the evening Zumba class and go together. Misery loves company, right? It certainly helps to find a class or a group or a team that you love. It may take a little time and effort, but becoming a part of a bigger picture, a group of people all struggling together toward a goal, can be very motivating. And once you put in enough hours, and begin to see some progress and change happening, hell nor high water will keep you away from the gym!
