
If you are one of those people who hate change, join the club.

I am the proud mom of an 18-year-old daughter who is preparing to go off to college in the fall. For the past 4 years, she has attended and assisted me in every single Zumba class I have taught in the evenings, minus one or two here and there. She helps me select the music, choreograph the dances, adjust the volume and turn on the fans when I start to sweat. She tells me when my songs or my movements are too boring or dorky. She pushes me to make the classes harder, both physically and mentally, and doesn't let me fall into a rut. But next year, she'll be gone. My younger daughter has zero interest in Zumba, so I'll be on my own. This is a change I am not looking forward to. Not one bit.

Without a doubt, I will discover some things about myself and probably about Zumba and teaching that I might never have otherwise known. And my daughter is certainly THRILLED to be going away to school! I would be crazy to want to hold her back or keep her by my side forever. (If only...)

Change is one of those things we can count on. Like death and taxes, change is inevitable. You can hate it all you want, with a seething, white-hot passion, but change is occurring nonetheless. As I type this terrifying sentence, all of my muscles, minus the one or two I am actively using, are beginning to atrophy. If I continue to sit here for another 30 minutes or more, my metabolism will slow down to a crawl. My breathing will become shallower. I will enter a state similar to a bear in hibernation, conserving calories and stockpiling fat for the long winter ahead. This one of the reasons it is so dangerous to spend a lot of time sitting. Not to mention the toll sitting takes on your spine. It is an extremely unnatural position for the human body, believe it or not! We were designed for constant motion throughout the day.

So whether you seek out change or avoid it like the plague, change is constant. Instead of sitting still and suffering the passive effects of change, take life into your own hands and command the changes that you actually want! Do you want your waistline to slowly and inexorably expand, day by day, year by year?  Do you want your bones to leach minerals and become as brittle as potato chips? Do you want your spine to collapse into a dowager's hump? If all of this sounds just peachy, then keep sitting right where you are! If not, get up and MOVE! Stretch your spine and reach for the sky! Get down on the floor and do a set of push-up's! Gimme 10! Then 20 squats! Next time you get a break, go for a quick walk around the building or around the block.

Change is happening. Let's make it the kind of change we can get excited about.
