Good News!

Well, you may have been wondering why I haven't reported my progress on my weight loss journey lately. You can probably guess that in this case no news was not very good news. At least my weight was no longer headed in an upward direction, but the number at which it had settled was not impressing me. I've been talking about warmer weather and baring the bod, but inwardly cringing at the thought of the bikini coming out of the closet.

I even decided to take a little vacation from stepping on the scale so obsessively each and every morning. Did I just hear a sharp intake of breath? A collective gasp of horror? Yes, on occasion a little respite from the depressing litany of daily weigh-in numbers might be in order. I didn't throw in the towel, though. I have been following the Zone diet continuously, regardless of the mediocre results in poundage lost.

And suddenly, completely out of the blue, this week those hideously resistant numbers began to fall! At first I thought someone might have monkeyed around with the scale. I accused Mr. Balancing Act, but he denied it. Then I thought maybe the placement of the scale, closer to the wall than usual, might be responsible for my weight loss. So I moved it out away from the wall and stepped on again. WHAT? I went down another half a pound! I am now seeing numbers I thought were lost to me for all eternity.

Why? Why now? What have I changed? I wish I knew!

Basically, I've been eating mostly the same foods, although I've been trying to have at least one salad per day. Some days, I have had salad for both lunch and dinner. I have eaten more raw foods, both fruits and veggies, than cooked. I read an article about raw baby carrots lowering cholesterol so I've eaten a few raw carrots every day (see In the evening, I have turned to my gigantic container of mixed roasted nuts (from Costco!). Not exactly a low-calorie treat, and not one I would normally recommend for weight loss! You would think all that salt might have me retaining more water, but it is possible that I am sweating so much during the day that my body actually needs that salt. As you can tell from all this conjecture, your guess is as good as mine!

Could it be that spring has sprung and the longer days, more sunshine, more time spent outdoors have sufficiently upped my metabolism? Could it be that I am making a concerted effort to sit less, so I am burning more calories vacuuming, mopping, mowing the lawn? Maybe in this warmer weather I am sweating out more excess water and therefore weigh less?

Truth be told, I just don't know what flipped the switch and finally allowed the scale to move in a negative (and therefore POSITIVE!) direction for me. If you have been struggling with winter weight gain and are seeing some good results yourself, please be sure to fill me in on your progress. I am always thrilled to hear about people achieving their goals and overcoming obstacles. We are all in this together!
