Chill Out!

I guess you could take this title several ways, and all of them would be good advice. Like don't sweat the small stuff. Good advice, though in the heat of the moment sometimes hard to remember. But today I am talking more literally.

What I mean is: make yourself physically colder!

When I teach my course Yoga for Healthy Weightloss, this is one lesson that makes everyone cringe. Especially in the winter! It is a simple strategy for raising metabolism. Turn down the heat. Take off a layer of clothing. Sleep at night with one less blanket or quilt covering you. The idea is to force your internal furnace to pick up the slack and burn more fat for fuel. Now that the weather outside is warming up, I thought possibly all you readers out there might be more open to this message?

In the summer, there are many easy ways to cool down and jump start your metabolism. Getting into a cool pool is a great way to burn lots of extra calories. Just submersing yourself in the cold water and staying in there for a while, even without swimming or working out, will boost your metabolic rate. This is an awesome strategy for those who are significantly overweight or pregnant; it feels fantastic to allow your body to float and be weightless! Grab a kickboard, or just use the side of the pool to practice your kicks, strengthening your leg muscles and getting an aerobic workout, too. Walking in the shallow end of the pool is another excellent way to strengthen all the muscles in the legs and core. The water provides both support and resistance, the perfect combination for rehabilitating after an injury.

Incinerate a few more extra calories by drinking ice water.  Then take a cold bath or shower. If you can't stand the idea of a cold shower, do what I do: begin your shower with warm water, soap up and shampoo, then turn the water to cold for the final rinse. This stimulates all the nerve endings in your scalp, gives you a burst of energy, and kicks starts your metabolism, all in one fell swoop! And at the same time, save money on your energy bill!

One more tip, this one gleaned from the pages of The Four Hour Body by Timothy Ferriss. (I know I refer to this book quite often! It is a fascinating treasure trove of info!) While you are sitting around in the evening (or anytime) place a cold pack on the back of your neck and upper back. There are loads of nerve endings and blood vessels there so this will have a large impact on your total body temperature.  Keep the cold pack on for 10 minutes, then remove for at least 10 minutes. Repeat as many times as desired.  Just another method of raising your metabolic rate and burning more fat!

Let me know what happens if you decide to put some of these ideas to the test. If you live close by, I might even hear the screams when you turn that shower to cold the first time!
