Go Brazilian!

Don't take this the wrong way! I am not suggesting a mammoth bikini wax. Just a mouth-watering chicken salad! I got the idea for this recipe from FineCooking.com which sends me recipes every day by email. If you like their page on Facebook, you will also see posts of new recipe ideas on your news feed. I tend to like their recipes, although I often tweak them in a way to make them more Zone-friendly. In this case, I took a sandwich recipe and made it into a salad instead. If you are a bread eater, you could also put this chicken salad on a sandwich. I prefer to get the majority of my carbs from vegetables and fruit.

Brazilian Chicken Salad:

(Serves 4 people who eat 3 block meals.)


1 heaping TB mayo (you know I like Hellmann's best! or make your own! or use Greek yogurt!)

1/2 orange, squeeze the juice into the mayo (or lime or lemon juice)

1 TB chopped green chives (I included some purple chive blossoms since mine are blooming!)

1 small handful cilantro leaves (Chop them up if you want to.)

Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

Mix all dressing ingredients well. Taste and adjust seasonings.

Chunky stuff:

About 16 baby carrots, chopped

4 Persian cucumbers, sliced

2 red peppers, chopped

1 pint tiny heirloom tomatoes

1/4 cup golden raisins

1/4 cup Brazil nuts, chopped (optional)

2 whole roasted chicken breast halves, shredded (all the breast meat from 1 chicken, about 12 ounces)

Toss all chunky ingredients in the dressing to coat.

Fill a large bowl with fresh romaine lettuce and baby spinach leaves (or other leafy greens!) and top with 1/4 of the chicken salad mixture per person. Sprinkle a few more cilantro leaves on top.

The chicken salad will keep beautifully in the fridge for a few days. Then you will have a quick, easy lunch for tomorrow as well! Let me know if you make this salad and how you like it!
