Stress Eating?

So let's say you are going along, following your diet to a tee, successfully dropping pounds like names at a Hollywood premiere. And then it hits you. The stress monster. Perhaps your mother is coming to visit you for 2 weeks. Perhaps your child is ill. Perhaps your job suddenly demands more than you can possibly give. Perhaps your body decides to rebel against your elaborate fitness regime and even walking becomes painful. Or all of these factors pile on at once to make sure that you stop and pay attention.

I have written about stress before. But at that time I was not quite as stressed out as I am now! And since then, I have also been speaking with friends and students who are coping with some serious levels of stress in their lives as well. Sure, deep breathing, meditation, and exercise are all excellent and healthy ways of coping with stress. A warm bath and a good book make a fine combination of relaxation and distraction. But what if you feel compelled to release your stress by eating?

I am not condoning this method of stress relief by any means. I think it would truly benefit the stress-eater to work at developing healthier coping mechanisms. Stress-eating is similar to smoking or drinking alcohol to ease stress. Sure, you feel better while you are doing it, but in the long run, you are doing damage to your health. Of course, the damage depends on exactly what you are choosing to put in your mouth.

As far as healthier choices for stress eating, I thought I'd try to come up with a menu that would do the least possible damage to your diet. If you are following the Zone, or any balanced weight loss program, protein is key. Before you begin shoving carb-laden treats down your throat, start with a small portion of protein. I know this is not what you are craving! When we are stressed, we tend to crave those simple carbs that give us a sugar rush. But believe me, you will feel better if you begin with a bit of lean chicken, turkey, or a hard-boiled egg instead. Take small bites, chew slowly, and drink some water with your protein. Drink as much water as you can stand. Already your stomach will be slightly full. Then have a small amount of nuts. Eat one at a time and chew each one thoroughly. Try not to rush. Save your carbs for last. I recommend using baby carrots as they are crunchy, sweet, and healthy, full of fiber as well as nutrients. Other good choices for your carbs would be tiny grape tomatoes, slices of cucumber, celery sticks, apple slices, cantaloup balls, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc. I like the crunch of the carrots best. All of these choices contain lots of water and fiber, will fill you up, and you can eat a fairly large portion without ruining your diet. If you MUST go for a grain, popcorn is another option. Make it from scratch and avoid any kind of trans fat. Eat one piece at a time. Popcorn is also high in fiber and low in calories.

If you are one of those stress-eaters, I hope this post helps take the edge off the compulsion to overeat. And I hope it helps to know that you are not alone! I'll be crunching those carrots with you tonight! Let me know how it goes.
