Step One Point Five

Although I have already mentioned a few possibilities for Step One (see my earlier post titled Step One), I have more in mind! So if you rejected all the options I offered in Step One for getting healthier without taking on a major lifestyle transformation, maybe you will prefer one of these!

1) Walk more! Walking is the most basic form of exercise. It is something almost anyone can do. If you are completely sedentary, walking is the perfect first step (literally!) to getting in shape. You don't need any equipment, special clothing, or a gym membership. You don't even need a dog, although I find a dog very helpful in demanding a daily walking commitment. It is lovely to walk with a friend, but it is also nice to walk alone. Walking gets you outdoors in all types of weather, in all seasons, and allows you to appreciate the ever-changing beauty of your neighborhood parks, streets, and gardens. Walking can be calming, meditative, invigorating, and even aerobic, depending on your speed and terrain. And it is a primal movement, something our ancestors did all day long, every single day of their lives. Less sitting and more walking will help you get and stay healthy, allowing you a longer and less stressful life!

2) Breathe more! And breathe more deeply while you're at it! This is similar to my advice for drinking more water. If you were an animal in the wild, no one would have to remind you to drink water. You would drink at every opportunity, every time you came to a stream or puddle. The same with breathing: no one would need to tell you to relax your belly and take a deep breath. Watch an infant breathe and you will see how we were meant to breathe. The belly should expand like a big balloon! Most of us use about a third of our lung capacity on a regular basis. In the lower lobes of your lungs reside receptors that promote a sense of well-being when you take a deep, full breath. Try it right now! Fill your torso completely, and then exhale all that air out. Even one deep breath will help you feel better! And that extra oxygen will help to raise your metabolism and keep you burning more calories to boot.

3) Eat more protein! If you are already following the Atkins diet or a Paleo way of eating, then this advice doesn't apply to you. But most women that I meet are big carbohydrate addicts and tend to neglect the protein. Does your breakfast typically consist of a muffin or a bagel? Toast? Cereal? Oatmeal? Fruit? Juice? All of these options are high in carbs and low in protein. Try adding eggs, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, fish, or lean meats to your breakfast. Protein is vital for building and repairing muscle when you are working out. The more muscle you are carrying, the more calories you burn all day long.

So there you go! Three more possibilities for quick and easy ways to get healthier right NOW! No need to wait. You have everything it takes to fit one of these choices into your daily life immediately. Well, if your fridge is empty, it might take a little trip to the grocery store first. But you can start your deep breathing on the way to the store! Let me know how it goes! Keep in touch and fill me in on your progress. I'm rooting for you all the way!
