Battling that Darned Sweet Tooth

It's like deja vu all over again.

Yes, I am STILL fighting those stubborn sugar cravings. But I have discovered a few things along the way.

The first is that the cravings seem to crop up at particular times of the day. For me, there is an afternoon slump that is occasionally accompanied by sugar cravings. And then there are those dreaded evening hours when my willpower is crumbling and I am just plain tired. What do these times have in common? Probably a dip in blood sugar and also a need for sleep.

So now that I know I am vulnerable to sweet things at these times of the day, how can I fight back? One important tool in my arsenal is planning ahead. If I know I might get tired in the middle of the afternoon, I can plan for that. If my day is not too packed, I can plan a nap. And after the nap, I can wake up with a cup of something caffeinated. An iced coffee made with almond milk is my new favorite afternoon treat. I use unsweetened almond milk which has zero sugar and no artificial sweetener of any kind. I love this! I add a dash of either heavy cream or whole milk for a little extra richness. Yum. Other possible wake-up treats could include a cup of hot chai, iced tea, or green tea. Including a cup of low-fat milk in your beverage gives you one block of protein, carbs, and fat which makes a perfect Zone-compliant snack. This should keep you going until dinner.

Again, when those after-dinner, television-watching, carb-craving hours roll around, you must be prepared. As I have mentioned before, this is the trickiest time of the day for me. One thing that ensures my success is if there is absolutely NOTHING junky in the whole house. Because if it is around, I will sniff it out, hunt it down, and consume it. And if not, I will satisfy myself with a combination of roasted almonds, baby carrots, fresh cherries, maybe a little leftover chicken, and a cup of herbal tea. A glass of wine might be in store on occasion, but cut back on the other carbs if this is your choice.

The danger always lies in snacking on something irresistible which is also high in calories and low in nutrition. The manufacturers of junkfood have got this down to a science: they know exactly what combinations of sugar, salt, and cheap fats are the most addictive. If you succumb to their dastardly plot, you will not be able to stop munching until you hit the tiny crumbs at the bottom of the bag. And it just so happens that this combination is also the most unhealthy and inflammatory for your body.

So take steps ahead of time to prevent your sweet tooth from derailing your diet. Plan to get enough sleep whenever possible. Keep the junkfood out of your home. Fill your cabinets and your fridge with healthy treats like fresh fruit, pre-cut and washed veggies, nuts, and unsweetened dairy and beverages. Make a daily plan which includes all meals and snacks so you know what you are going to eat BEFORE you get hungry. And when all else fails, brush your teeth and go to bed! The extra sleep will help improve your will power tomorrow.

Stay strong, my friends! I am with you!
