Checking In

We are just a few short days away from beginning the Whole Foods Challenge! Woo-hoo! I hope you are as excited as I am!

Mr. Balancing Act inspired me to get started a little bit early, as he wanted to begin this week. I was considering one last celebration for his birthday, including a trip to a little Greek restaurant way out in Middletown, Maryland that I've been wanting to try. But my hubby is already committed to his clean eating plan and did not want any junkfood, not even a cake. Respecting his wishes, we will have a healthy, sugar-free birthday celebration.

I have been detoxing from sugar and refined foods since Monday. The first two days, I did suffer a few cravings, mostly in the evenings. This is typical for me. I always eat very healthy, well-balanced meals throughout the day and then run out of willpower around 8pm. My evening snacks this week have been roasted nuts and Thomcord grapes. (These are a special find at Trader Joe's this week: a hybrid mix of Concord and Thomson grapes. YUM and seedless!)

I noticed yesterday that my mood has already improved. It is a strange thing, but I believe that eating sugar makes me grumpier and more negative. It is something I am not usually aware of until I cut out all the junkfood and suddenly find myself feeling happier. Not the kind of manic ecstasy that sugar might create, more of a calm contentedness. A very positive change.

The other nice factor is that I have already dropped over 3 pounds in just 3 days of eating no grains and no sugar. Those pounds have been creeping up on me over the summer, despite plenty of exercise. As you know, I had been relaxing a lot of my rules about eating baked products. Even though they were mostly homemade, they were still calorie-dense. My hubby has seen even greater improvement in the same amount of time. (Men!)

So if you are still on the fence, not sure if the Whole Foods Challenge is really for you, I encourage you to give it a shot. Make up your own rules. Make it suit your life and your goals. I'm guessing you will discover some benefits that you didn't expect.
