
I'm sure you have seen the "detox" diets and the special kits you can purchase for a ridiculous price. When I was in college, my friend talked me into going on one of those detox diets with her. We started the day with a big glass of water with a squeeze of lemon, a dash of extra virgin olive oil, a drop of maple syrup, and a pinch of cayenne pepper. That was breakfast. I was given a small bag of raw almonds and black raisins to take with me to class, for an emergency. I don't think I was supposed to consume anything except water. By about 10am, I had eaten all my emergency nuts and raisins and was still starving. By lunchtime, I had quit the program all together and was munching down on a large hummus and alfalfa sprout sandwich. I have never been able to fast.

But there is no need to cut out all foods in order to detoxify your system. Today I am going to suggest a list of healthy, whole foods that will assist your body in cleansing itself in a very moderate, safe, and gentle way. This will be a nice first step to take as we dive into the Whole Foods Challenge.

First of all, drink PLENTY of water! This is so basic, it should go without saying. But it is also way too easy to forget. I know because this happens to me. The minute I stop paying attention, I forget to drink that second liter of water. And one liter per day is nowhere near enough. Two liters per day is just the very minimum. Three liters per day is really more like it! For cleansing and detoxifying, we should try for three liters per day. Writing it down will help. I make a note in my planner each time I finish one liter.

Most of the following recommendations were gleaned from The All Natural Menopause Diet by Theresa Cheung. (I am continuing my research!) Even if you are not planning to join us for the Whole Foods Challenge, you might be interested in detoxifying to assist your body in managing menopause.

Here is a list of whole foods to add to your detox diet:

Asparagus: a great diuretic and cleanser. This will help your kidneys flush out toxins and ease bloating.

Beets: good for detoxifying the liver. Full of the antioxidant betacyanin.

Berries: Again, high in antioxidants, fiber, minerals, and vitamins.

Broccoli: Packed with sulphorophane which helps the liver process toxins. Known to fight cancer.

Cabbage: Helps eliminate excess estrogens from the body. Protects the liver. Also contains lots of chlorophyll which is great for the gut.

Flax seeds (ground): also chia seeds and hemp seeds! Full of cleansing fiber and essential fatty acids.

Lemons: High in Vitamin C and potassium. Works as a diuretic. Squeeze into your first glass of water each morning!

Papaya and Pineapple: Fresh is best. Papaya assists in digestion. Pineapple is a mild diuretic. Both have lots of enzymes.

Peppers: Chock full of antioxidants. Capsaicin boosts circulation and revs up metabolism.

Watercress: High in magnesium and potassium.

Herbal Teas: alfalfa, dandelion root, milk thistle, nettle, red clover, ginger, and green teas are all wonderful tonics for cleansing and detoxifying.

At the same as you add as many of these healthy detoxers to your diet as possible, you should try to remove or avoid the kinds of toxins that tax your liver, kidneys, and digestive system. Avoid anything allergenic. If you normally over-indulge, cut back on caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea, and energy drinks. Skip the alcohol and any over-the-counter drugs that can be avoided, such as pain-killers and NSAIDS. Of course, please continue to take all prescription medications! Avoid second-hand smoke, chemicals, pesticides, and any other toxic substances in the environment.

Last for today, learn to take a deep breath. We detoxify through our skin, our digestive system, and also through our breath. So take some time each day to practice breathing more deeply. Relax and expand your belly as you breathe. This will not only detoxify your physical body, but also help you to release anger, frustration, tension, and anxiety which can be just as toxic to your whole system.

You might like to begin detoxifying on September 1st, as a way to begin the Whole Foods Challenge. Or, if you are already chomping at the bit, you might want to begin today! Let me know how your process goes. I'd love to hear your story.
