Keep It Positive!

My dear friend Patti (yes, the one who loads me down with home-grown veggies) put the idea for today's post into my head. We have been discussing the Whole Foods Challenge and she put a positive spin on it. Instead of cutting out anything, she decided to ADD something healthy to her diet each day! Brilliant!

So she asked me, "If you were to choose ONE healthy food that everyone should eat every day, what would that be?" Good question!

I chose dark, leafy greens. Probably not a big surprise to anyone who is already trying to eat the healthiest diet possible.

Dark, leafy greens such as spinach, kale, collards, Swiss chard, watercress, and dandelion greens are among the densest nutritionally of any food you can consume. They contain loads of Vitamin A and C, calcium, iron, and antioxidants. Not to mention the fiber and phytochemicals. All contained in a very low calorie package! If you avoid these on a regular basis, consider adding some greens for your Whole Foods Challenge.

Another possibility would be fish. Specifically, the kinds of fish that are high in Omega-3 fatty acids. These include salmon, sardines, and mackerel. We tend to lack those Omega-3 oils which are crucial for repairing your joints, keeping your blood thinner and flowing freely, and even lifting your mood! Fish oil also helps you feel more sated after a meal, keeping hunger at bay for longer. What more could you ask?

Or you could look upon the Whole Foods Challenge as an eating adventure! What healthy, interesting, unusual foods have you never even tried? How about kohlrabi? (It is good!) Or venison? Buffalo? Pommelo? (It is very similar to grapefruit.) Rabbit? Pheasant? Quail? Yellow raspberries? Blue crabs? Chia seeds? Hemp seeds? Brazil nuts? (These are high in selenium!) You get the idea.

Maybe the trick for you is to make the Whole Foods Challenge a completely positive experience. Forget about cutting anything out! Figure out what you might like to add instead. And please consider joining us. Patti will help me keep it positive.
