Let's Sweat!

Don't tell me you are one of those people who hates to sweat?!? We are going to have to do something about that right away! Or maybe you are one of those folks who tell me that they NEVER sweat? Really? Because it is just about impossible to make it through an hour of Zumba without sweating. You would have to be trying really hard. Or quite the opposite!

I am a major sweater. There are not very many things I can honestly brag about, but I am REALLY good at sweating. During bootcamp, I sweat from every pore that I possess. If I have to teach 2 classes back to back, I always need a complete change of clothing in between. Impressive, right?

Sweating is our body's natural cooling mechanism. But beyond that, sweating releases toxins and impurities through the skin. As we prepare for the change in seasons and the Whole Foods Challenge, I encourage you to spend some time sweating!

When a person is very fit, the body begins to sweat IMMEDIATELY once a workout commences. If you notice that you are sweating even during the warm-up, this is a good sign! Your body is smart; it picks up on the cues and knows what to do.

Exercise is the best way to coax some sweat to flow. If you don't already have a daily exercise regimen in place, now is definitely the time to start. I always recommend walking as the mode of exercise to begin your fitness journey. Almost anyone is capable of walking. If you are not sweating by the end of your walk, next time walk a little faster. Or add a few hills. Once walking becomes too easy or boring, try jogging. Running. Sprinting. Hiking up a mountain. Add a heavy backpack or some handheld weights. Vary your routes and your trails. Make it fun!

Another way to get some sweat going is to heat up your environment. You can sit in a sauna or a steam room. Take a hot bath. (This is a personal favorite.) Or try out a Hot Yoga class. (I hear some people love this.)

No matter how you decide to get your sweat on, be sure to begin your session already well hydrated. This is an absolute MUST. Drink at least one full liter of water BEFORE your workout, your hot yoga, or your sauna. Your body must have that water in its cells in order for you to safely sweat it out! Otherwise, you are going to end up dehydrated, exhausted, and possibly sick. I always drink water throughout my workout, taking small, frequent sips. Then follow your workout with MORE fluids. And don't forget your minerals: sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium can all be lost during a sweat session.

So sweat out those toxins, but sweat safely, my friends!
