Making Changes

If I had a dime for every time I've heard someone say, "Oh, I could NEVER give up________," I would have a heck of a lot of dimes. I have even said it myself about coffee! Although truth be told, I have given up coffee during my pregnancies and for most of the time I breastfed as well. And this is my point today. It CAN be done.

When we say "Oh, I could NEVER..." what we really mean is: "I choose not to." It is a choice. And if you wanted, you could make a different choice.

I have heard my students and clients claim they could never give up pasta. Bread. Cookies. Diet soda. And believe me, I understand their feelings.

Once upon a time, I was completely addicted to bagels. And muffins. I really enjoyed my cookies, too. I am not kidding. My diet was once composed of mostly refined carbs. The only reason I did not gain weight on this regimen was that I was 1) young! 2) unbelievably, ridiculously, and constantly active! and 3) a fast metabolizer (see #1). All of these factors have changed. Including my diet.

When I initially cut out all grains, refined carbs, and sugar, I thought I might die. But miracle of miracles! I survived to tell the sordid tale. AND I began to see muscles that had previously existed, but had been in hiding. The payoff was great enough to keep me committed. And my belief in the new diet, and its health benefits, far outweighed any craving I had for those carbs.

Today, if I go through a spell where I revert back to those refined, sugary, grain-filled carbs, I will puff right up again, like a bloated, beached walrus. I even grow a couple of tusks. It is not pretty. I may wallow around in that state briefly, lamenting the fact that none of my jeans fit anymore, but it doesn't take too long before I will decide enough is enough. Time to clean things up!

And this leads me back to the Whole Foods Challenge. Maybe, like me, you have been wallowing around by the beach. Maybe you have loosened up the rules a bit for the summer vacation. Perhaps there have been a few more ice cream cones, slices of pizza, or corn dogs at the fair? Never fear! September is right around the corner! And it is never too late to get on board for the Whole Foods Challenge. Join us!
