Olympic Spirit

I don't know about you, but I've been watching a lot of the 2012 Olympics in London. Probably more than I have ever watched in the past. Mostly this is because my two daughters are keenly interested in all the sports featuring hot young guys in skimpy attire. I swear, it is my daughters who are making me watch this!

No, seriously, I have been catching quite a bit of the swimming, gymnastics, and volley ball. And the beach volley ball games featuring Misty-May and Kerry Ann give me gigantic butterflies in my stomach. I can't explain why I want these two women to win so badly. Maybe it is their age. To continue to maintain the highest level of excellence in their sport well into their 30's is no small feat. I know they have both suffered through numerous injuries, surgeries, and setbacks. But to watch them play together, you would never know it. How do they do it?

And although Dara Torres did not make this year's Olympics, she did medal in the last games at the ripe old age of 41. It is not exactly shocking that a 45 year old woman might have a little trouble beating the fastest TEENAGED swimmers in the world! And the fact is she still came CLOSE! How does she do it?

Are these women super-human? No. Do they possess genetic gifts that the rest of us lack? Maybe, to some degree, this is part of their success. But the deciding factor in their domination of their particular sports is the Olympic spirit.

These women are determined. And that is putting it mildly! There is absolutely NOTHING that will get in the way of them accomplishing their enormous goals. Competition does not scare them off. It is quite the opposite. They give 100% to every stroke, every dive, every dig, every block. Just ask yourself right now, how often do you give 100%?

How often do you let someone or something get in your way? How often to you give up before you have even gotten started?

The Olympic games give us a firsthand view of those who never give up. Let's take their courage and their sheer determination as inspiration in our own lives. We can all put forth a better effort. And we can all reap bigger rewards in the process. Let's go for it!
