Skipping Breakfast?

Before everyone gets all up in arms, let me start by saying I am not advocating this breakfast skipping for everyone. I myself have always been a major proponent of breakfasting! And one of the basic tenets of the Zone diet is eating breakfast within an hour of rising. Most experts on weight loss will cringe at the thought of skipping that "most important meal of the day"!

So why on earth did I skip breakfast this morning???

Well, I just didn't feel like eating. How's that for a great explanation? If you want more detail, I woke up feeling bloated and yucky. So I decided for once to skip the food and just drink water before bootcamp. And the difference in my energy level was quite noticeable.

Normally I drink a shake before bootcamp. This is about the lightest breakfast I could possibly down. I use Greek yogurt in my shake for the protein, so this is low-calorie and easily digested due to the natural probiotics in the yogurt. But this morning, after eating absolutely no breakfast, I found my energy level to be much higher than usual. I actually felt like RUNNING instead of maintaining a slow jog between bootcamp stations. I will have to repeat my experiment on future bootcamp days in order to ascertain if skipping breakfast always results in increased energy.

And once bootcamp was over, I didn't feel extremely hungry. I drank my usual protein shake post-bootcamp, anyway. And as the day has progressed, I find my hunger now returning. But my plan is to keep my meals the same size, or even smaller than usual rather than eating more calories later in the day due to my late breakfast. Experts believe that people who routinely skip breakfast end up eventually eating more total calories later in the day. If you plan to experiment with skipping breakfast, especially before a challenging workout, be prepared to rein in this tendency.

And let me repeat, skipping breakfast is not recommended for everyone. Some people tend toward low blood sugar so should not go long periods without eating. And some people routinely skip meals and notice absolutely no downside. If you plan to try working out on an empty stomach, I strongly suggest you bring food with you to your class or on your run. Carry a power bar, a wrap, a banana, or an apple with you in case you find yourself suddenly feeling very dizzy or nauseous. Better safe than sorry!

If you have experience with working out while fasting, I'd love to hear about it. Please fill us in on how your energy level differs based on eating or skipping breakfast before a workout. Thanks!
