Three Quarters

Not seventy-five cents, but three quarters of the way through the month of September and the Whole Foods Challenge. I'm wondering how everyone is doing? Has this new way of eating become easy and natural for you? Have you decided that at the end of September absolutely nothing will change-- you will just continue to consume as many whole foods as possible? Or have you slipped back into old habits and hit the fast food franchises at full speed?

I am still hanging tough! Not a spoonful of sugar or any type of sweetener has passed my lips! No grains, either. I have considered the possibility of eating some rolled oats for breakfast or a snack, but so far I haven't. I really don't think oats would be a disaster, but I find that weight loss is usually easier without them. If I were to include any single grain, I would probably go for quinoa. This is not really a grain; it is a tiny whole seed. Magazine articles will insist it is "high" protein, but a half cup serving contains only 4 grams of protein. This is less than the 5 grams for wheat berries. (Which of course are not actually berries. Confusing, right?)

I have dropped 5 pounds, most of which came off in the first week. Since then, I have held steady at my new weight. This weight is certainly acceptable to me. It is just fine. I wouldn't mind dropping a few more pounds, but if I do, I will be in a range that is really difficult for me to maintain. I know that if I allow the sugary treats or the grains to begin to sneak back into my diet, I will be heading in the opposite direction on the scale. So my goal is to continue with everything I am currently doing.

I have also instituted a weekly fast. So far, I have fasted for the past 2 Saturdays and I plan to continue, as long as I don't have a long list of commitments for that day. Fasting has not been exactly easy, as I have suffered through some pretty nasty headaches, but I have discovered it is totally doable. I can even exercise during the fast!

I'm hoping that if you are still doing the Whole Foods Challenge with me, you will give me some feedback! Let me know how it is going for you!
