One of THOSE days...

I overslept AGAIN, was awakened by my teenaged daughter asking if I'm driving her to school THAT MINUTE, and so I had to drive in my pajamas, the sleep still stuck in my eyes. Returned home to find that the dog had pooped on the floor. My husband staggered into the kitchen, asked me if I was feeling okay, then ran for the bathroom and spent the next five minutes with his head in the toilet. Oh, did I mention this day was my 21st wedding anniversary?

Not the greatest start to the day. Not by a long shot. But what happens when life hands you lemons? Or dog poop?

We all have those rough days. Days when it seems like the universe is intent on holding us down. And then punching us in the gut. Days when just one more straw would most definitely break the camel's back. What do you do when things fall apart before your eyes?

Well, I have the perfect cure for a day that starts off on the wrong foot: GET UP AND MOVE!

Yup, I'm talking about exercise. Oh, you might not feel like it. But that is no excuse! As soon as you start moving your body, pumping those arms and legs, getting a good sweat going, I guarantee you are going to feel better. It doesn't take long at all for those endorphins to start circulating through your system, improving your mood by leaps and bounds. And when you have finished your workout, you will feel even better, knowing that you did something important, something worthwhile. You have taken another step toward improving your health and raising your fitness level. Grab a healthy snack and the rest of your day will be so much better than the beginning!

Since my setbacks were all pretty minor, it was fairly easy to laugh them off and just continue with my day. My daughter got to school on time. The poop was easily removed from the floor-- it didn't even stick. My husband went back to bed, and his stomach was feeling better by the evening. And I got my workout in, amusing my classes with the story of my morning.  Overall, not such a bad anniversary!
