Building Immunity

Cold and flu season is on its way back. Do you tend to catch something every winter? If so, this blog is for you!

There are a few things you can do in advance to prepare your body for fighting off potential invaders. Once you are exposed to a cold or the flu, you will just have to hope your immune system is in good shape. Here's how to get it there:

1. Get enough sleep! There is nothing like sleep for healing your body and making your immune system stronger. If you are already sick, go straight to bed right now! If not, plan to get a MINIMUM of 8 hours sleep each night. When you can't, substitute a nap in the afternoon for the hours you have missed. I realize everyone is crazy busy, but do you really want to put your health on the back burner?

2. Drink PLENTY of water! I know I sound like a broken record here, but keeping your body well hydrated makes every single system function better. When your mucus membranes are dried out, they cannot work properly and become more vulnerable to infection. Warm beverages like herbal tea, green tea, and hot water with a squeeze of lemon juice are all especially soothing in the cold weather. But don't forget the plain old H2O! Three liters per day is a good amount to shoot for. You will feel much better when you get this much.

3. Get your probiotics! What are these? Friendly bacteria which ideally inhabit your intestines and make up the major bulk of your immune system. Yes, your immune system mostly lies in your gut! And taking antibiotics can wreak havoc in there, killing off not just the nasty invaders but also the good guys. Eat plain, unsweetened yogurt containing LIVE cultures (check the label) as well as other naturally fermented foods, like kimchi and kombucha, to keep your gut healthy. You can also find probiotic supplements in the form of pills, powders, and gummy bears (I swear!) at your local grocery store and Costco.

4. Eat more veggies! Getting a wide variety of colorful, fresh fruits and veggies in your daily diet will help to ensure that you are receiving all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and nutrients that make your immune system strong. Zinc is key in fighting off colds, especially in the days immediately after exposure to a virus. A typical American diet is low in zinc, so supplementing with a small amount daily (15-30 mg) is recommended. Check the label on your multivitamin as you may already be getting enough. Eating a diet rich in whole foods will also help. (Supplementation recommendation from John R. Lee, MD.)

5. De-stress! On top of everything else, when the cold weather comes around, you do not need to be stressed out. Make time in your life for anything that relaxes you. It might be yoga, meditation, dance, jogging, walking outdoors, swimming indoors, petting your dog or cat, painting, taking a scented bath, reading inspirational stories, or just remembering to take a few deep breaths every day. Stress has a huge effect on your immune system. Combat those effects BEFORE you get sick.

As you can see, taking care of your immune system includes all the things you already love to do. But don't wait until you start sniffling and running a fever to get around to this list. Make some time TODAY to take care of yourself. Schedule it in, along with your other commitments. You are important to so many people! Your family, your friends, your co-workers will all be glad you did.
