Eat What You Like?

If you have struggled for weeks, months, years, or even most of your life with trying to lose weight, you are not alone. Not by a long shot. You are in the majority here in the U.S. of A. Since the 1980's, decade of the low-fat debacle, obesity rates have risen dramatically. Today more than two-thirds of us are overweight.

What is the cause? I have discussed this in numerous blogs, but here it is again: refined sugars and carbohydrates combined with cheap vegetable oils (from corn, soy, and canola in particular) as well as trans-fats created a plethora of inexpensive junk foods that are available everywhere and affordable for everyone. These products taste great (to most of us!) and are highly addictive due to their extreme effect on the blood sugar and brain chemistry. Can you eat just one apple? Sure. Can you eat just one Oreo cookie? One Pringles potato chip? One Chips Ahoy? One candy corn? I don't advise that you try!

Perhaps you have heard friends or relatives who claim that they can eat anything that they like. Maybe they have Oreo cookies or Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream on a regular basis.  Perhaps they bake scones and muffins practically every single day. And yet these people magically stay slim! Or even worse, maybe they are claiming they can LOSE weight and still eat this stuff! Why can't you do that?

First, let me apologize for those people who thoughtlessly brag about all the things they can eat while you seethe inwardly, cutting your calories to the bone and barely seeing the scale budge. Yes, there is a percentage of the population who can consume more sugary carbs without succumbing to weight gain. It's not really fair to the rest of us, but it is a (very annoying) fact. The vast majority of us, however, fall into the other category and we need to watch our carbs carefully, limiting those refined sugars stringently. And even for those folks who are staying relatively slim while eating plenty of junk food: the health risks are THE SAME. You do not have to be obese or even overweight to fall prey to the MANY diseases caused by a high sugar diet.

So can you eat what you like? That depends.

Do you like whole foods? Do you like all different kinds of veggies, from asparagus to yams? Do you like fresh, seasonal fruits? How about nuts and seeds? Do you enjoy a variety of protein sources, like grass-fed beef, wild-caught fish and free-range eggs? How about Greek yogurt? Do you enjoy eating foods in a less refined state? If the answer to all of the above questions is a resounding YES, then you can surely eat what you like and also lose weight, stay healthy, and feel fantastic.

Need recipe ideas for delicious dishes that feature whole foods? Scan through the posts listed along the right side of this blog. I usually try to label posts containing a recipe with the name of that dish so they will be quick and easy to find. And please join us for the Healthy Holidays Challenge. Whatever holidays you plan to celebrate, make them healthier this year with more whole foods and less refined ones. Glad to have you on board!
