Wild Garlic Mustard Greens

"Garlic mustard greens are very nutritious as they have substantial amounts of vitamins A, C, E and some of the B vitamins. In addition this wild weed contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, selenium, copper, iron and manganese as well as omega-3 fatty acids."

The above quote was taken from the website EdibleWildFoods.com (I could not find an author's name to credit, however). Check out their website for more info on this weed and many others!

If you live anywhere in the Eastern U.S. of A., it is quite likely you have some wild Garlic Mustard growing somewhere in your yard or a nearby park. I found a good patch underneath our apple trees. In general, garlic mustard likes a shady spot.

Take a good look at this photo:

And then take a walk around your neighborhood and see if you can spot some. It may not be blooming yet. This plant is EXTREMELY invasive and will take over huge swaths of woodland, crowding out many other native plants. Therefore, it is your DUTY to get out there and remove it. Many parks in my area (Howard County, Maryland) hold Garlic Mustard weed-pulling days where volunteers gather for this exact task. Sometimes a cook-off will follow. Because while you are at it, you might as well eat it!

The leaves of this plant have a pungent, garlicky smell and taste, hence the name. And as you have already read, the plant is loaded with nutrition! So gather as much as you can and chow down on this FREE source of healthy greens. You can toss them into a salad, lightly steam them, or saute them in a pan with a little butter or olive oil. Don't overcook the leaves or they will become mushy.

I plan to cook mine tonight with some baby turnips (from England Acres!) and baby carrots. (I know I have asked you this before, but is it normal to prefer to call your veggies "babies"? Anywho, let me know if you find some garlic mustard greens in your yard and what you decide to do with them. I find them quite yummy, so I do hope you try them!

