A Whole Lotta Whole 30

Okay, I lied. If you're gonna read this blog, you might as well get used to it.

First I told you I was only making one resolution. I'm still sticking with that one, to publish my first novel in 2014, but I'm also returning to a way of eating that I chucked out the window for most of December.

Yes, I'm talking about the Whole 30. The "whole" part of Whole 30 refers to the food eaten. That is, whole foods. The "30" part refers to 30 days of commitment. 30 days is a very good number to start with, although you might find that you want to continue after that.

I have discussed the definition of whole foods on this blog ad infinitum. But the Whole 30 is not just about whole foods. It is a Paleo challenge which involves ridding your diet of common allergens and foods which contain nutrient-blocking chemicals. On a typical Whole 30 diet, you would eliminate all sugars (including honey, maple syrup, agave, etc.) as well as sugar substitutes, all grains (including corn and all corn products,) all soy and soy products, all legumes (including peanut butter,) all dairy, all preservatives and additives, all alcohol, all processed foods, all junk foods. What is left? All types of meat, fish, poultry, seafood, eggs, nuts, seeds, fruits, and veggies. Coffee and tea. After the 30 days, you might begin to add foods back in, one at a time, to see how they affect you.

The last time I began the Whole 30 was back in September. I succeeded in completing 30 days. Then I didn't want to stop! I had lost a small amount of weight, but I also felt GREAT. So I kept going, with only a couple of cheat meals, during the month of October and November. But by the time December rolled around, I was looking forward to taking a little break from the pristine lifestyle. But eating a typical America diet, including bread, wine, and desserts, quickly began to reek havoc with almost every part of my body. Yes, sugar does taste good. But not that good. For me, it's just not worth it.

One example: I have 2 wisdom teeth in my mouth. Because the roots are so long, and very close to facial nerves, oral surgeons have not wanted to take them out. But I have had problems with gum inflammation and pain on occasion. Well, the entire three months on the Whole 30 plan, I had not one single twinge of pain. As soon as I went off the plan and started eating sugar, grains, and alcohol, I began to have problems again. I'm hoping these will be completely resolved by returning to Whole 30 now.

Although you can easily lose weight on the Whole 30, that is not the intended goal of the program. The goal is to conquer addictions to sugar, alcohol, chemicals, and refined grains. The stuff most junk food is made from. The stuff many people live on. The foods which are mostly empty calories. And to discover a way of eating which enhances health and makes you feel fantastic. Maybe you'd like to give it a try? I'm happy to support you.
