Soothe Stress to Lose Weight

Are you a stress eater? Do you search out the sugar, carbs, and junk food when you're feeling stressed out? Do you chow down on ice cream after a break up? Or scarf mac and cheese to comfort yourself after a difficult day? This is one way that stress can pack on the pounds. But it's not the only way.

Stress causes a deluge of hormones to be released into the bloodstream. Cortisol is one of these hormones, along with adrenaline, that tends to speed up the heart rate and shut down the digestive process. These hormones prepare your body to fight off an attacker or to flee. If you were a cave person, you would throw your spear, run away from a predator, use up those stress hormones, and be done with it. But today's stressors are less obvious, more insidious, and fairly constant.

Luckily, there are many other ways to handle your stress besides stress-eating. Here are a few suggestions:

1) Take a breather. Deep breathing is the simplest, easiest, most cost-effective, and least time-consuming solution to stress. Deep breathing works! You can practice wherever you are, in any position (seated, standing, lying down), for a single minute or for many minutes. You can practice while you are working, driving, typing, exercising, relaxing, watching TV, cooking your dinner, literally anywhere and anytime! How do you practice? Just take a deep breath in (maybe for 4 seconds or so) then hold it (maybe for another 4 seconds) and then slowly let it out again (maybe for about 8 seconds). All of this can be adjusted to suit your own natural breathing pattern. Deep breathing should feel calming and relaxing, not stressful or uncomfortable. Do it your way. The rewards are instant.

2) Move your body. Stress hormones can build up in your blood stream unless you do something physical to use them up and process them out of your system. That means movement. Whatever movement you like is the best choice! Some people enjoy running, while other prefer to walk. You might like to dance, cycle, swim, play tennis, clean the house, climb a mountain, dig a ditch, swing a kettlebell, or jump on a trampoline. Not only will you get rid of the stress hormones, you will also stimulate the release of endorphins--hormones that make you feel happy and relaxed. Win win!

3) Use the water. We begin our lives sloshing around in a watery womb. Returning to the water is comforting and calming for our bodies and minds. You might try a warm bath with scented oils or candles. An outdoor hot tub is another good choice--relax under the stars. A walk on the beach, an evening swim, paddleboarding, kayaking, even just sitting on a bench and watching the water might do the trick. Drinking more water can also help move toxins out of the body, including excess stress hormones.

4) Release the tension. Grab a foam roller, a tennis ball, or any kind of ball, and give your muscles a deep massage. Don't know how? Watch some youtube videos! Get a massage from a professional or from a loved one. If you don't have time for a full massage, just a foot massage is a great substitute. Massage helps move toxins out of the muscles, helps relieve tension, and makes everything feel better. And a hug is another option!

5) Practice mindfulness. There are many different ways to meditate, including the simple deep breathing technique I mentioned already. Other possibilities are various forms of yoga, t'ai chi, qi gong, walking meditation, and seated meditation. All of these practices include focusing on the breath, moving slowly, and becoming present. Focusing your full attention as you practice will help to relieve stress.

Try the methods that appeal to you! Need help or support? I am available for weight loss coaching, holistic personal training, and one-on-one yoga classes. Leave me a message!
