Prepare for Stressful Times

While shopping today at Aldi, I noticed something interesting.

Background info: I've been extremely good for the past 5 months about reducing my sugar intake. I've had very close to zero junk food. We haven't been out to eat in months, and I've had no fast food in close to a year. Although I love a good burger and fries, I haven't had either since last winter!

But today, I noticed my eye was particularly drawn to the refined sugar and carbolicious treats that I never purchase. I carefully examined packages of cookies. I seriously considered buying a few to put aside for the winter months ahead. As if I might need to stock up! As if the world might run out of junk food soon!!!

Is there something wrong with me? Why am I considering this crap that I could easily glide right past a few short weeks ago?

Winter is coming.

I've talked about this phenomenon before. We are hardwired to put on fat for the winter. In ancient times, only those with enough meat on their bones would make it through the long, cold winters. If your larder wasn't stocked, you'd perish.

So yes, it is easy to bypass the cookie aisle during the warm, sunny days of summer. But come fall, all bets are off. The highly calorie crap beckons. And our sense of self-preservation responds.

Do we need junk food? Of course not. Can we survive on free-range eggs, grassfed beef, organic yogurt, and loads of fresh veggies (all of which I loaded into my cart!)? Of course. Will Aldi run out of cookies, chocolate babka, brioche rolls, and brownie mix? Nope. Never. Do I need those things? No, I do not.

I am currently at the lowest weight I have been in many years. Maybe a decade. Do I want to regain all those pounds I have finally shed? NO!

But winter is coming.

What can we do? Prepare yourself like a warrior. Be brave when you stroll the aisles of the grocery store. Protect yourself from those sneaky sugar cravings by staying true to the facts: You don't need that junk. It will not help you. It will only harm you.

Here are some strategies:

1) Make a list and stick to it. Do not deviate. Grab what you came for and go!

2) Avoid the naughty aisles. The crap cannot call to you if you refuse to look at it.

3) Feed yourself and your family delicious meals you love. Buy high quality ingredients that taste great. This will help you feel happy and satisfied instead of ripped off.

4) If you need something that tastes like a sweet treat, make your own. You can make treats from whole foods with little or no added sugar. Search this blog for loads of recipes and ideas.

5) Once you have weaned yourself off sugar, stay off. There is no question about it, sugar is highly addictive. It is exactly the same as alcohol or heroine for an addict.

Do you need support as we head into the difficult part of the year? I am available for coaching. Leave me a message!
