How is your Thyroid?

Have you been struggling to lose weight? Do you feel cold most of the time? Are you often tired, even exhausted, no matter how much you sleep? Is your hair falling out at an unnatural rate? These are just a few of the symptoms of low thyroid function.

Have you gained a lot of weight in a short amount of time? Another possible culprit could be your cortisol levels.

Many middle-aged women struggle with these issues as they make their way through perimenopause. When estrogen levels are fluctuating, other hormones are affected. Your GYN doctor can order tests to assess your thyroid function to see what kind of treatment might be needed. You might be referred to an endocrinologist for further treatment, including thyroid hormone replacement meds.

But these days, younger women are also struggling with issues of weight gain, hair loss, exhaustion, and other symptoms. When the thyroid is to blame, the solution begins with a diagnosis. Low thyroid output--hypothyroidism--can be the result of an autoimmune disease known as Hashimoto's. The thyroid is being attacked by the body's own immune system. Some doctors believe Hashimoto's is the cause of up to 97% of low thyroid disorders.

In order to find out if you have Hashimoto's, you can be tested for the presence of thyroid antibodies. If this is the case, there are steps you can take to improve the functioning of your thyroid in addition to taking thyroid replacement drugs like Synthroid. While it was once thought that autoimmune conditions were irreversible, studies have shown that Hashimoto's can be brought into remission and natural thyroid function can resume.

Diet plays an enormous role in autoimmune conditions. Gluten in wheat and other grains, dairy products, and soy are three of the biggest offenders when it comes to allergens. Intestinal permeability, combined with consumption of allergens, can cause the body to begin to attack its own cells. Removing the offending allergens from the diet can make a big difference, along with restoring the health of the gut to reduce leaky gut syndrome.

If you are suffering from any of the symptoms mentioned above, be sure to see your doctor. Get tested and get that diagnosis. Along with your doctor, formulate a plan. You don't need to suffer alone. Help is available!
