Too Nice to Lose Weight?

Having a hard time losing weight this winter? It could be the lack of light. Maybe hormonal issues. Perhaps you just haven't found the right diet yet. could be that you are just TOO NICE.


Does this sound like you?

"Thank you for the giant box of candies! They're my favorite!"

"I'd love to go to Cheesecake Factory for lunch. Sure, let's get dessert."

"Another beer? I shouldn't. Well, if you insist."

"You brought home a bucket of KFC? That was so thoughtful."

Against your better judgement, you accept the chocolates, the cheesecake, the alcohol, and the fried chicken. And instead of losing weight, your waistline continues to expand, your health problems persist, and your self esteem plunges. You wonder why you can't manage to stick to your diet. I have the answer: it's because you're TOO NICE.

If you're struggling to lose weight in order to fix your health problems, increase your energy, uplift your mood, stave off disease, help your thyroid function better, make yourself more attractive, be able to exercise, run, hike, swim, dance, get pregnant, or anything else, then you might want to reconsider being so nice.

Here's the bottom line: your husband, boyfriend, partner, co-worker, boss, mother, sister and/or friend needs to love you with SUPPORT instead of SABOTAGE.

Although it probably goes against every fiber of your being, you must learn to say NO.

You can still be nice, but you must also be firm. In control. And absolutely clear. You might also need to be proactive. Get in there and make suggestions BEFORE you get roped into something you don't want.

Try this:

"Instead of chocolates, let's go dancing for Valentine's Day."

"Do you want to try that new salad bar for lunch?"

"Can you pick up Chipotle for dinner?"

"When we go out, I'm going to stick with sparkling water tonight."

Making sensible choices might not sound exciting at first, but when you try on that new bikini and strut your stuff on the beach, you might feel pretty psyched about those boring and difficult choices. When your partner sees you looking and feeling so much better about yourself, I'm sure they'll be just as excited.

If you've been a super nice, easy-going, don't-rock-the-boat kind of person all your life, you probably won't be able to turn this off instantly. So take some baby steps. Try saying no to someone safe like your mother or your sister first. Maybe avoid spending time with someone you can't say no to, until you feel stronger. 

Have you ever heard the saying, "Nice guys finish last?" This is especially true when it comes to weight loss. Don't be such a nice guy!
