Why Is My Weight Loss STUCK?

Have you been sticking to your diet, only to curse the scale every morning when it tells you the same damn thing? Have you hit that dreaded plateau and just can't seem to get off? Have you tried everything you can think of and still the number will not budge???

I feel your pain.

Sometimes, despite doing absolutely everything RIGHT, your weight loss gets stuck. There are many possible reasons for this pause. (And that's what it is: just a PAUSE. So don't give up!)

1) You could be eating more calories than you realize. Go back to counting everything that enters your mouth. Use an app like My Fitness Pal or Chronometer to count your total calories. Make sure to measure your portions accurately.

2) You could be eating too little! Again, measure your portions and tally up your total calories, or grams of fat, protein, and carbs. If your calories have dipped below 1200 per day, your body might be rebelling. Try adding a nutritious snack.

3) You might be building muscle. If you've stepped up your weight lifting, you could be losing fat but gaining muscle at the same time. This could keep your weight steady, while your body composition is actually improving. Try measuring your waist once a week, along with weighing in. If your waist is shrinking, you are golden! And don't worry about the number on the scale.

4) You might be allergic or sensitive to something in your diet. If you have an allergy to wheat, soy, corn, milk, eggs, or some other food that you've been consuming on a daily basis, you could be experiencing inflammation and bloating. Try eliminating one or all of these common allergens and see if your weight suddenly changes.

5) You might be stressed out. If you're not sleeping well or enough, your cortisol levels are probably elevated. This can signal your body to retain fat, especially around the waist. Try adding a relaxing bath, yoga stretches, and deep breathing to your daily routine.

There may be other reasons for your weight loss to temporarily stop. Too much exercise, too little exercise, hormonal issues, and other medical problems could be to blame. Before you get too frustrated and give up, remember there is help available! See a doctor, maybe an endocrinologist. And get a coach!

I'm available for one-on-one weight loss coaching and holistic personal training. Let's chat!
