Rituals of Pleasure

Have you heard of Blue Zones?

There are a handful of communities around the world where numerous members live to be healthy and fit well into their 90s, with many lasting over 100 years. They are not decrepit, sick, or bed-bound. These are vibrant, happy, healthy people living extremely well. The Japanese of Okinawa, the sheep herders in the mountains of Sardinia, Loma Linda in California, an area of Costa Rica, and Ikaria in Greece make up the five most studied pockets of healthy centenarians. What do these people all have in common?

Quite a few things.

Diet, of course, is important. Their diets differ in many ways, but there are commonalities. Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, lots of fresh fish, no fast food, not much sugar. Small amounts of alcohol.

Lots of fresh air, time spent outdoors in the sunshine, and exercise. Not the weekend warrior type of exercise, either. Most of their days are spent moving, walking, hiking, fishing, gardening, etc. The kind of exercise you can do all day long.

They live in tight knit communities where people care about each other. They have meaningful lives, spiritual or religious connections, family and friends who share their interests and activities.

Another thing these centenarians have in common is daily rituals of pleasure. After a long day of hiking through the mountains or hauling in fishing nets, they partake of something that brings them particular pleasure. It is not always something we would consider "healthy". Some enjoy a small glass of whisky. Some like a cigar. Others prefer red wine. However, all those who enjoy alcohol limit their consumption to one small glass per day.

Do you want to live to be 100? Here are a few examples of rituals of pleasure you might consider adding to your daily routine.

* A relaxing bath. Most of us shower on a daily basis, but never take the time for a luxurious bath. You can light candles, and add essential oils or bath bombs, epsom salts, or other products to your tub. I like to drink a liter of water while I take a bath, so that I am also re-hydrating as I sweat out my toxins.

* Foam Rolling and/or Self Massage. This is a definite for me. I never skip a day. I focus on different body parts each day, taking enough time to loosen up whatever feels tight, tense, achy, or uncomfortable. Your body will thank you!

* Yoga, T'ai Chi, Qi Gong, or another calming physical practice. You don't need to take a class every day, but your body will appreciate some daily physical practice. Moving gently feels good and does wonders for every part of your body. Life can be stressful. This will help.

* Meditation and/or Deep Breathing. There are many forms of meditation. You can practice seated, standing, lying down, moving, walking, dancing, or even while you're driving in your car. Yes, breathing and meditating can be pleasurable. Ten minutes per day is all you need.

*Sunbathing. This is a great way to relax, to improve your mood, and to increase your Vitamin D.

* Swimming. I find swimming incredibly pleasurable! Whether it's in a pool, a lake, the ocean, or any body of water, swimming is relaxing and energizing.

I'm sure you can think of many other rituals of pleasure. Post some of your favorites!
