Sole Water

It's hot out there, folks. I'm in Florida and it's like a sauna down here. We're sweating so much, it's difficult to replace all the fluids and minerals we're losing. If you feel yucky in the heat, one reason could be dehydration. (Another reason could be heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Both these conditions are serious and even life threatening, so don't mess around if you feel very ill after spending time outside in the heat!)

Replacing only the water you lose when you sweat can create a mineral imbalance. When it's very hot out, especially if you're exercising or spending time outdoors, you might need something more than just plain water. Many people do not enjoy sports drinks like Gatorade, although these beverages do provide all the minerals your body needs after profuse sweating.

Sole water (pronounced so-lay) is water that has pink Himalayan salt dissolved in it. Proponents of sole water claim it has many benefits including improving sleep and digestion, and reducing muscle cramps. I decided to give sole water a try.

To make sole water, you will need a glass jar or container. Fill the jar about one quarter of the way with salt crystals. Add filtered water to fill jar. Cover with a non-metal lid. Leave overnight or about 24 hours to allow salt to saturate the water. If all the salt dissolves completely, add some more. If there are still a few undissolved crystals, the water is completely saturated and ready. To drink, add about one teaspoon sole water to your glass, then fill with plain filtered water. Add a squeeze of lemon or lime juice, if you like. One glass per day is recommended.

I've been drinking sole water every morning, first thing, before coffee. I think it's helping me stay better hydrated through the hot Florida days. If you already consume plenty of salt, you might not need to add sole water to your regime. Although sole water contains trace amounts of other minerals, it is mostly sodium. The amount of potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron is extremely small.

To learn more about sole water check out this blog by Wellness Mama.
