How to Burn MORE Fat!

When we talk about "weight" loss, what we really mean is FAT loss. Losing weight does nothing for our health if we are actually losing muscle mass, bone density, water, or other vital bodily fluids. Once I got a haircut and lost half a pound. (This is true!) But weight loss is only meaningful if you are losing fat.

How can you burn more fat?

1) Build more muscle. Muscle tissue is 37 and a half times more metabolically active than fat. The more muscle you carry on your frame, the more calories you burn. And this applies not just to the time you spend working out. You will burn more calories around the clock. How do you build more muscle mass? Resistance training. Move heavy objects. Lift heavy things. Push heavy things. Pull heavy things. You get the idea. Tiny pink dumbbells are not going to do the trick.

2) Eat less carbs. Your body has 2 energy pathways: you can either burn sugar (glucose) which is broken down from the carbohydrates in your diet, or you can burn fat which can come from your diet or your stored body fat. Whenever you consume excess carbs, those calories are stored as fat. And as long you are eating carbs, your body will not access that stored fat to burn it for energy. Ideally, your body will switch back and forth from burning sugar to burning fat without any problem. If your goal is to use your stored body fat as fuel, cut back on the carbs. (If you have already cut back on the carbs and are eating a ketogenic diet, the next step is to track your calories and reduce those.)

3) Exercise in the fat-burning zone. If you did aerobics back in the 80s and 90s, you probably remember taking your heart rate in the middle of class. (Mine was always through the roof!) The reason was to see if you were in the "aerobic zone." For most of us, we can find this zone by subtracting our age from 180. If you have a heart monitor, you can easily track your heart rate while you are working out. Going harder than the aerobic zone could mean you burn less fat and end up hungrier after your workout. Do you tend to crave carbs after exercising? Could be a result of working outside the fat-burning zone.

If you are trying to lose fat, get fit, and improve your overall health, I can help! Get in touch if you'd like support on your fat-loss journey. I can work with you in personal, by email, long distance or face-to-face. 
