Bootcamp Workout of the Day (BWOD)

This week I'm blogging from my new location in Florida! Because I'm not teaching or taking any classes down here yet, I am creating my own solo workouts.

Yes, I'm walking around our new neighborhood with my dog, Luna. And I'm walking on the beach with my hubby. And swimming at my mom's. All this is great. But in order to build and maintain a high level of strength, I need to do more.

If you've been working out for a long time, feel comfortable and confident with the form and technique required for safely executing squats, lunges, dead lifts, kettlebell swings, and other strength moves, then you can jump right into my BWODs. (Bootcamp Workout of the Day.)

On the other hand, if you are a beginner to strength training, please get yourself a coach before starting any strength training workout. Make sure you understand the correct placement and alignment of your joints (hips, knees, ankles, etc.) in order to protect yourself from injury.

Today's workout combines kettlebell swings with a variety of squats and dead lifts to maximize the strengthening of your largest muscle groups: thighs and glutes. You will also feel this in your traps. One of the great things about the swings is that you are strengthening while also receiving an aerobic workout. This took me a total of 30 minutes, including the warm-up.


Warm-Up: Take a brisk walk (in place or around the house or around the block) for a few minutes. Pump your arms! Add some jumping jacks, high knees, and butt kicks. When you are breathing heavily and feeling warm, you're ready for the workout.

FIRST SET: Pick up your kettlebell. (I used a 35 pound bell. You can start with something smaller if you like.) Let the kettlebell hang in front of your hips, but keep your shoulders back and down. Execute 10 squats.

Execute 20 kettlebell swings.

SECOND SET: Hold the kettlebell in your dominant hand. Let it hang by your side, keeping shoulders square. Execute 10 suitcase squats. (Imagine you are lifting a heavy suitcase.)

Execute 20 kettlebell swings.

THIRD SET: Switch kettlebell to your non-dominant hand. Execute 10 suitcase squats.

Execute 20 kettlebell swings.

FOURTH SET: Hold kettlebell in both hands. Tilting forward from the hips, execute 10 dead lifts.

Execute 20 kettlebell swings.

LAST SET: Hold kettlebell in both hands, elbows bent, bell in front of your chest. Execute 10 goblet squats.

Execute 20 kettlebell swings.


Check out this youtube video for guidance on the basics of the kettlebell swing.

If you're sore the next day, stick with walking, swimming, biking, or some gentle stretching. Don't workout when you're tired, sick, or sore! Give your muscles time to recover before asking them to work hard again.

Need a coach? Get in touch! I'm available (now in Venice, Florida) for face-to-face as well as long-distance coaching for weight loss, strength training, yoga, Pilates, and much more!
