The Best Exercises After 50

Today's blogpost is the first in an ongoing series focused on the best exercises for people over 50. Of course, this doesn't mean that once you hit 50, you need to stop doing the types of sports, dance classes, competitions, marathons, or anything else you've enjoyed up to this point in your life! However, as we age, it is a good idea to consider taking better care of the body, and possibly reduce or eliminate the exercises that produce the most wear and tear on the joints.

The most important thing to remember is the best exercise for any age is simply whatever exercise you will do. And the exercise you will most likely do on a regular basis is anything you enjoy. Duh. Sounds obvious, but start with what you love.

My first suggestion for anyone who wants to start exercising is also obvious: start with walking. Walking is great exercise for absolutely everyone, from toddlers to seniors. Our bodies are designed for walking. The healthiest and longest-lived people on the planet are those who walk for hours on a daily basis.

If you're new to exercise, start slow and start small. Take short walks, maybe more than once a day. Build up to longer walks as you feel ready. If you don't already own a dog, getting one will ensure you always have a walking companion. If dogs are not for you, recruit your partner, neighbor, friends, or family member. Or walk alone!

For people who are already fit, walking is still an excellent choice. You can walk before your workout as a warm-up. You can walk after your workout as a cool down. You can walk on the days when you're too sore or tired to do a more vigorous workout. Or you can get a good aerobic workout without stressing your joints by taking a brisk walk. (Remember the power-walking craze??? You can bring it back to life!)

When you want to take your walking workout to the next level, just add some hills or stairs. Or wear a weighted vest while you walk. Or carry a set of dumbbells.


*No equipment needed. Just comfortable walking shoes.
*FREE! No membership required.
*You can walk anywhere--around the block, around the park, even around the house!
*You can walk alone or with a companion.
*You can have a chat, a meeting, or a playgroup while you walk.
*Walking gets you outside and into nature.
*You can save on gas money by walking to work, to the store, or anywhere else.

To sum it all up: walking is easy to do almost anywhere, safe for your joints, enjoyable, social, and ecological. Walking is a great way to get started on an exercise program. Why not start today?
