Cool Down and Lose Weight

This hot weather can make us feel super lethargic. We may not feel like exercising at all, which in turn can make us more tired and less energetic. But there are loads of ways we can cool down, rev up our metabolism, feel more energetic, and burn more calories when the temperature soars. In addition, cooling our bodies can improve our mood, reducing feelings of depression and anxiety.

Here is a list of cooling practices that are easy to implement and can make us feel much better in the hot weather:

1) Start your day with a big glass of iced water. Before you drink your coffee, tea, or OJ, fill a large glass with ice and filtered water. You can also add a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime juice. Or you can use sole water. (See my blog on sole water for the recipe.) Drinking very cold beverages will lower your core temperature and make your body work to bring it back up. This burns extra calories. In addition to starting your day with iced water, you can add an icy cold drink before lunch and dinner.

2) Take a cool dip. A quick (2-3 minute) cold shower or a cold bath will switch on your internal furnace. You can jump in a cold pool, river, lake, or ocean. Immersing your entire body in cold water, even for a very short amount of time, does wonders for your metabolism. Your body will work like crazy to warm you back up again, burning lots of calories. In addition, you will feel an instant lift of your mood. Hydrotherapy has been used for centuries in Europe and studies show that cold water helps with both depression and anxiety.

3) If immersing your entire body in cold water sounds too horrible for you to even contemplate, you can try a miniature version. Use an ice pack on the back of your neck. While you watch TV, place a cold pack on the nape of your neck. The major blood vessels are close to the surface here, and the cold pack will cool your core temperature. Although the results will not be as dramatic as taking a plunge in a cold pool, you will still see a rise in your metabolic rate.

4) Thomas Jefferson apparently used cold foot baths each morning as a way to stay healthy. Again, if you would prefer not to immerse your whole body, maybe do just your feet?!?

5) Place a wet bandanna in a ziplock bag and keep it in the fridge. Before your workout, wrap the chilled bandanna around your neck. This will help keep your core temperature lower as you exercise and possibly prevent over-heating. This trick is great for outdoor workouts like bootcamp. Of course, a bandanna cannot prevent heat sickness and heat stroke, so be extremely careful when exercising outdoors in the summer.

Have you discovered any ways to stay cool in the summer and also lose weight? Please share your tips and tricks!
